Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My first B-Day "party"....

Growing up with four siblings wasn't something enjoyable. While I love every single brother and sister I have, it was tough to be heard with all the over-powering personalities in the house. As I got older, and my brothers decided to live with my father, it got easier but I was still surrounded by three females. Three loud, and opinionated females. My older sister was a popular bitch, so she got what she wanted, when she wanted it. My little sister was the baby, and she was treated like one until the adults didn't want to take care of the problems that came along with getting older. I know how sad that sounds, but it's true. My mother is a very emotionally driven woman in a lot of ways. She shops emotionally, she dates emotionally, and she lives her life emotionally. You know when she gets fed up because she lets everyone know it. Needless to say shes the grown up version of my older sister, just don't tell them that. There I was, for a long time the only boy in the house. I kept to myself, watched my family, and had a few friends at school. I was by no means, the popular guy though. So every year my birthday would come up and I would ask to do less and less. It wasn't that I hated getting older, I just knew what my family would turn it into. My mother would create a theme that would NEVER be true to me, my older sister would use it as an excuse to invite her friends (ultimately outnumbering my own) to take over, and my little sister would somehow be the center of attention in some dramatic way. So, I never had a birthday party growing up. Just some cake, ice cream, and a few presents at home. Of course my mother always took pity on me and gave me whatever I wanted, but I never asked for a lot. 

Lets skip forward a few years. My birthday lands on the most awkward of days (obviously) April 20th. Smokers holiday, Hitlers Birthday, and an astrological train wreck! I knew what I WANTED to do, but my partner was hellbent on creating a fun environment for me. Bless him, I love him to death, but he just did not understand my inner plight. He started creating a surprise Birthday party with some newer friends of ours, and I quickly dashed that dream. While the intention was appreciated, my awkward life would never allow it. It finds ways to embarrass me at inopportune times. So, knowing that my partner wouldn't be dropping the subject, I took charge. He asked what I wanted to do, and boy did I answer. If he wanted people over, fine, but my day was NOT changing. I had a day of food and video games all planned out! So it was hot dogs, hamburgers, and Halo 3. Who was invited? Only the people who I play games with on pretty much a daily basis. I allowed one exception in the form of a friend of his choosing. Call me stubborn, call me a party pooper, but I had fun on my terms. I didn't invite a lot of people, and if you are one and you stumbled upon my blog, I apologize, but I'm sure you are already aware of aversion to parties. Thank you for understanding in advance, and know I love you. :D

Even with my careful planning, subtle passive aggressive planning, and not so subtle passive aggressive planning, my partner STILL had his way with the party planning. He ordered balloons, put up streamers, banners, and had a cake planned. It was a bit much for me, so I added personal touches to each of the decorations. I'm not controlling....

Still, this small party was fun! I had my brother stop by and my nephew swung by for a bit as well. My nephews are hardcore gamers, I love them to death, but only one of them lives here in AZ. So he came by and played a few rounds with us. I had a lot of fun. I'm sure anyone reading this is going to think that all this sounds horrible, but I didn't want it to feel like a Birthday party, and I succeeded. So my first and very unorthodox Birthday party was awesome, and maybe next years (my 27th?!) will be a genuine Birthday party, if I can find enough balls to go through with it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Morning After

So, if any of my readers have taken the time to check out my profile, I live with my partner of four years. He works hard and usually pretty late. Last night in particular was a late night, but he also stayed up later and watched movies after getting home. Of course he had to work today, and he knew this. Still, he wasn't expecting the early morning text message asking him to come in early. So, I'm here trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to make for breakfast, and trying to get the motivation to read and write. I was kind of hoping writing in my blog would give the motivation to figure out life in the AM. I have always been and always will be the worst kind of morning person.

*1 hour later*

Had to get something to eat and call back my brother and sister. I moved from New Mexico when I turned 18. Best decision of my life, but I do always enjoy a catch up phone call to hear about the drama. It's easier to laugh at the stupidity of others when there is distance. Not the stupidity of just my family either, good times.

Anyway, I'm currently reading a Game of Thrones, and should get back to that. I want to blaze through this book so I can watch the TV series on HBOgo while I read book two! Has anyone finished the books and watched the series? Let me know what you thought, but stay spoiler free please. 

Happy Thursday everyone!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day One

I don't have the best of memories. Not in the literal, past occurances sense, but in the remembering those occurances. So, in the hopes that my obsession for writing can serve an actual purpose I have begun many things at once. First, this blog. I have so many ideas and anecdotes on a daily basis, it's hard to keep track of them. Here I can email them, text them, or even video blog them. These are all things I intend to do regularly. You may be asking, "Why is he doing this, and more importantly, why should I care?". Well, this brings me to my second endeavour. Two, I'm creating a biographical timeline for a book. It's either going to be collaborative with my family, or if that falls through, independently on my own. Either way, I have begun to write this timeline. I took a picture, but the whole point of this blog I suppose is to create buzz. To tease in the idea of this book without giving the plot. It's safe to say that my timeline begins at my birth and ends in present day. I would hope that's obvious. Third, I deleted my other blogs, and I'm getting that empty feeling you get when you have so much to say to absolutely nobody in particular and nowhere to say it. Let's face it, journals and diaries are a bit dated. So, sadly this blog won't be a literary blog alone. You will hear me whine and rant quite regularly. I promise not to bore anyone too much. I also took the liberty of linking my Google+ account, so if you have any questions, want to get to know me, or just want to stalk me... by all means... I guess?

So lets get to what I'm getting at here. The book. OR books. Who knows just yet. Here's what I know of the project... This has been something I have wanted to do for a few years now, I have discussed it with my family members on multiple occasions. Recently, my mother has had a few revelations about her childhood, and suddenly has decided to write a book. Her story is a good one. In fact it's a story I had ALREADY written about once before. Of course, in part only, as the recent revelations flesh out this story fully. So, now in my writing mode, I have decided to compile a story from the childhood of my siblings. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely that my mother would want to include her story in a cooperative venture such as my idea. Instead she seems insistent on writing her story on her own. While this is fine, she must realize that as a series, or compilation, the story is stronger. Still, I cant force such ideas. I must let this one lie where it fell, and so I will. I figure I will continue my project, and convince her late into the project. For now I will have to continue what has been started. I am one of five children, and I have gotten all my other siblings more or less on board. Of course my older sister wants to do a reality show! Fuck that. My little sister and oldest brother are for sure on board. My other brother always seems distracted, and I'm not sure where he stands on the idea just yet. Still, if push comes to shove I can write to the best of my recollection, and go that route. Either way, I have waited to do this too long. It's time. Today was day one of writing, blogging, and minor interviews. Wish me luck.